Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Hundreth Monkey theory concept relevant to Kinesiology

Kinesiology – the Energetic Modality Part 2

Kinesiology is a unique modality not only because it can catalyse huge changes in the individual but because of the fascinating theories and conclusions that can be drawn from its study and observance. This chapter continues on from Part 1 by outlining the major precepts of modern kinesiology practice.

The Hundredth Monkey theory is a concept that is relevant to kinesiology. As Ken Keyes Jr says in his book, the 100th Monkey, the Japanese monkey, Macaca Fuscata, was being observed by scientists on the island of Koshima. The scientists would drop raw sweet potatoes on the ground and the monkeys would eat them without washing the sand off. Then one day in 1952 the scientists witnessed an 18-month-old female by the name of Imo take her potato and wash it in a nearby stream before eating it. This caught on and as Ken points out “by 1958 all the monkeys on the island were washing their potatoes to clean them.”

By autumn 1958 the scientists made a surprising discovery – not only were all the monkeys on Koshima washing their food, but so were all the monkeys on neighbouring island Takasakiyama as well! The islands were not within visible sight of each other, so how could they have copied the other monkeys?

And so it became the Hundredth Monkey Theory – the concept that when a critical number achieves an awareness, this awareness is passed to the rest of the community. So how is it communicated? Energetically is the only answer. This is also giving name to the notion of universal consciousness, or global consciousness.

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