Monday, February 9, 2015

12 Ways To Fall Madly In Love With Life

Bradley Morris
By falling in love with life, we fall in love with ourselves (and vice versa). When we fall in love with ourselves, we can access our true potential because we become willing to give ourselves the experiences, practices and beliefs that allow us to succeed and give us the self-acceptance to rebound when we fail.
If we don’t fall in love with life and ourselves, then we fall into the perpetual wheel of self-sabotage, struggle and suffering.
I support people (starting with myself) to truly fall in love with life. Here are 12 ways we can all cultivate self-love:


Our habits make us who we become.


This is the zest of life that makes our time on Earth worthwhile.


This clears the mental fog, allowing us to focus on what we love.


Commit to becoming masterful at expressing appreciation for life and all your experiences, especially the ones that challenge you and force you to grow. This journey is a gift.


When we carry pain from the past with us, it haunts us and blocks us from being free and fully expressed in our present reality. Deal with it to heal it.


Having a vision gives us the power to drive forward through the difficult times. We all need a bigger vision for our lives.


Balance depends on spending plenty of time in nature, whether it’s sitting, hiking or sports. We all need nature time.


Putting powerful, clean foods into our body, exercising and doing yoga are some of the most important things we can do when it comes to self-care and loving life. We only have one body.


Fear is a natural part of life. Because of this, I embrace it and honor it when it comes up.


Recognize that you are the creator of your own life and successes. By taking full responsibility, we allow ourselves the opportunity to learn from our mistakes, rather than blame.


Each year, we need to have at least one thing checked off the bucket list. This gives us something fun to shoot for.


This is one of the most fulfilling, energy-giving things we can do in life. It gives us purpose. Every day, try to make somebody else’s day. Big or small acts go a long way.
There is so much we can do to love our lives and blossom into the fullest expression of who we are… and unfortunately, many don’t. People make excuses, they say there’s not enough time or that blah blah blah gets in the way. Truth is, if you’re not loving it, then YOU are getting in the way.
If you want to know what it feels like to be wildly in love with your life, then you need to declare yourself willing and committed now.
You must be willing to change everything and embrace a whole new way of living — if that's what it’s going to take. What I find is, those who don’t love their lives now haven’t been living according to their own passions, dreams, authentic expression and agenda. They have been living to the beat of somebody else’s drum… and that path will always lead to unhappiness.
Here’s the thing. If you’re locked into some negative habits and patterns, then it’s going to take effort to get out. But it’s the fun kind of effort because you will be adding more and more awesome things into your life that you love (refer to above list or make your own), while allowing the other old stuff to fall away naturally.
As these awesome acts become awesome habits, your reality will take the form of an awesome life.
It is highly possible that you will be judged and questioned by the people closest to you who want you to remain a slug and slave to mediocrity, or who just simply don’t understand your new vision, but if you can avoid being deterred from your path and not take their remarks personally, then you will find yourself blazing a trail to freedom, growth and a never-before experienced love for life.
When I meet negative people like that, I try to see them as mirrors of myself or reflections of my own consciousness. When I hear them being negative or pessimistic about my choices I say to myself (and sometimes them), “Wow, I still believe that? Well that’s just silly and definitely doesn’t serve. I let that one go now {while smiling}. Thanks or the reflection, friend, but I choose to believe ___________.”
Bottom line: if you take 100% responsibility for yourself, your dreams and your life, then you will create a reality that you love, a body that feels like your temple and incredible relationships that last into infinity over time.

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Jay Semko of the Northern Pikes and Colli K Christante form Production Company in Saskatchewan

Inner Expression Productions and Development Group Inc., is proud to announce Mr. Jay Semko Jay Semko as co-owner and Vice President of Inner Expression Productions and Development Group Inc. 

We at Inner Expression Productions and Development Group Inc., are looking forward to working with Mr. Jay Semko on many great projects. 

For more information on projects that Inner Expression Productions and Development Group Inc., are currently involved in please contact Colli Christante at 306-716-9218 or Jay Semko at 306-251-2030.

Saturday, January 24, 2015

Toller Cranston, figure skating innovator, dead at 65

Toller Cranston, figure skating innovator, dead at 65 Pj Kwong

It is somehow fitting that of all days, Toller Cranston would die on the same day that a new Canadian men’s champion is going to be crowned.
Cranston, who won bronze medals at the 1974 world championships in Munich and the 1976 Innsbruck Olympics, died at his home in Mexico from an apparent heart attack, a Skate Canada spokesperson said Saturday.
Cranston was a champion and more importantly a legend. International Skating Union vice president David Dore considered Cranston a "living legend."
"I was shocked by [Cranston's death] based on the fact that he was one of the few living legends in any sport. He was the perfect living legend," said Dore. "His legacy will be that he gave the sport a stamp that exists to this day. Even though he was always going uphill, he never lost his focus. The sport won. We all won."
"He was one of a kind," said Brian Orser, a former Canadian and world champion, Olympic silver medallist and now in-demand coach. "Nobody will ever be like him. And such a great contribution to figure skating but me, personally, (it was) just his sense of humour and his outlook on life and (his) free spirit ... (he was) somewhat of a rebel. Always spoke his mind, wasn't always so accurate but he spoke his mind."
In the media room we all looked at each other in shock when we first heard the news via Jeanne Beker’s Twitter account.
His artistry was considered to be one of the driving forces behind the move from strictly stiff athleticism to more expressive men’s skating. I believe that without Toller Cranston, there would not have been the generations that followed which included Patrick Chan.
Toller admired Chan’s skating and that he was glad not to have had to compete against him.
"I'm on another planet watching Patrick Chan with binoculars and applauding along with the rest of the world," Cranston said from his Mexican hideaway in 2012.
Cranston, who was born in Hamilton and grew up in Kirkland Lake, Ont., and Montreal, never won an Olympic or world title but his dramatic showmanship had a profound impact on figure skating.
The legend won national titles from 1971 to '76 and placed second at the 1971 North American championships in Peterborough, Ont. He won Skate Canada International events in 1973 and '75. He finished fourth at the 1975 world championships in Colorado Springs, and was fourth again a year later in Gothenburg, Sweden.
Cranston was 26 when he reached the Olympic podium at the 1976 Winter Games. He was later inducted into the Canadian Olympic Hall of Fame, Canada's Sports Hall of Fame, and was made an Officer of the Order of Canada in 1977.

Toller remembered

I knew Toller. I remember him well from when I was a skater. He was older than I and maybe the most uninhibited person I have ever met. With all that freedom though, this was still a person whose vulnerabilities and sensitivity could make him challenging.
1964 Olympic bronze medallist and 1965 World champion Petra Burka was in the coaches’ room at the Cricket Club when she heard the news by email. It was her mother, Ellen Burka, who coached both of them.
1964 Olympic silver pair medallist Debbi Wilkes remembered Toller this way: “I think in many ways, Toller represented everything we admired in an artistic sport. He was brave, uncompromising and determined to take the sport where it had never been before. He had no patience or tolerance for people who couldn’t see the sport’s potential.”
1962 World champion Donald Jackson was in the stands watching skating at the national championships when I caught up to him: “He changed skating because he was willing to push the boundaries out and he didn’t give up; and that’s what changed skating all over the world. It’s a big loss,” said Jackson.
Truth be told, we all have our memories of Toller – mine was trying to chase him down for an interview for my book. He blew me off the first time and then I phoned him to see if I could catch him. We had the most magical conversation that went on for a couple of hours as I frantically took down notes. We connected.
The next time we spoke was in a podcast at Worlds in 2013
Artist. Skater. Visionary. Genius. There is only ever one ‘Toller’ in a generation.
With files from The Canadian Press

Friday, January 23, 2015

Connecting with great people

Inner Expression Productions and Development Group Inc., agree … The best thing is connecting with great people along the way. This is going to be so much fun!!!!portfolio/c1p39

For Immediate Release

For Immediate Release:

Inner  - Expression is excited to announce that Inner Expression Productions Development Group Inc., is now an International Film, Television, Music Production Company, Encompassing International Management, Training, Consultancy in Entertainment & Peak Performance Company

President: Colli K Christante 
Vice President: Jay Semko